Friday, October 4, 2024

Are You Waiting For Eternity?

 Are You Waiting For Eternity?

Someone in a video comment section asked this question.  I am living in eternity right now. Now is just as much  part of eternity  as the future is and the past is as well. Eternity is everything. Eternity is infinite it is a long long time.

We create with God our reality and the rest of eternity! God created us to create with Him. He is a creator He wants us to be like Him so He created us in His image. He gave us a list of 10 laws to abide by.
Since we had a great deal of difficulty abiding by these laws He sent His Son Jesus to reconnect us to Himself to forgive us for making choices that disconnect us from Him . Sin disconnects us from God. It is possible to live a sinless life but we do need to ask Jesus to be our savior and have the self discipline to walk with Him. Once we get into the habit of turning our lives over to Jesus with daily inventory and confession and repentance we can get pretty darn close to living a sinless life and be thou perfect mode.

Don't forget Jesus said:

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Get Right with God

I  have by choice lived low on the food chain for most of my 68 years. I have seen the shifting of the public mind set in ways that people who live "high on the hog" and believe everything they see and hear in media, don't see.

I saw the numbers of poor growing, the increasing cost of everything, the manipulation of certain markets, and most important the searing of the moral compass of human beings thru the down grading of the importance of The WORD of GOD.

Keep your feet on the ground that way your velocity won't gain when you fall. The bigger and higher they think they are the harder they fall. We live in a fallen state. Let  God's Word guide you. The only way to salvation and life to follow Jesus understand the message.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Quantum Physics For Dummies

God made us so powerful that our thoughts create our reality . Jesus used quantum physics to  heal and for the greats feat of all His resurrection. Hopefully this will help you to understand the power of your existence


Monday, October 3, 2022

My Spirit Guide,


The Holy Spirit is my guide. Angels have saved me countless millions of times. I have been very fortunate my whole life. I am not monetarily rich or famous. I am rich with joy and the awesome presence of God.
I have resisted being psychic because there is so much evil all around. I think my only true desire is to be acceptable in God's eyes.
As a child I would agonize over not being like everyone else. People liked me better when I made an effort to be like everyone else. I came to realize that I did not like me when I made effort to be like everyone else. I could not un-see what I saw. I could see suffering in my fellow human and asked God if I could be allowed to help them. It took me a long time to realize just how brain washed the masses are. Out of a 1000 people there may only be one who's eyes are open and that there is a 50-50 chance that they could be under the influence of evil and are looking for ways to take advantage of others. 
I have met many strange beings some of them appear to be human and do a pretty good job of living a human type life.
My loves stay pure do not accept the mark of the beast. Stay with God stay whole and free and let the Holy Spirit be your comforter and your guide they will never take you to a place pf evil or ask you to do something evil.

Me and My Brother

When I was a child with my brother who was also a child was casting a fishing line with a metal sinker and hook on the end of the line over an electric line while standing at the edge of our car port during a storm. I kept telling him to stop because I was afraid he was going to get hurt. and he wouldn't stop. Something came over me and I went to the edge of the car port and screamed " lightening come" as soon as I did that a bolt of lightening flashed and glanced off of the the electric line and my brother flew back against the brick wall of the house. My mother came out of the house and ran over to pick him up and he told my mother that I made the lightening strike him. I was so upset and was crying while asking God to please make my brother be okay and to forgive me while promising to never do that again.. It was a very important lesson for me that showed me the power of words and to not summon the elements on my brother.