Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Bad Pooper
EWWW one day he pooped in his pants and this was a real drag for the people taking care of him cause they were going to have to clean him up. The people taking care of him thought they should take drastic measures with the little boy. They thought that rubbing his poop in his face would certainly stop the little boy from pooping in his pants, When this did not stop the little boy from pooping in his pants the punishment got worse and even more cru
What the people taking care of the little boy did not realize is that the little boy had a bacteria living in his intestines that caused him to have diarrhea. Finally the diarrhea cleared up and the little boy stopped pooping in his pants.
But the life time damage from the extreme acts of cruelity done to this little boy never stopped. He is a kind person except to himself . As he repeats these acts over and over in his mind.
The Unknown Shammon
There used to be this little girl named July who was very bad and she was sent to bed without her dinner many nights for punishment.
One night night as she was being sent to her room she was thinking about how hungry she was and how she wished she would stop being bad so that her mother would stop sending her to her room at dinner time. Shen entered her room and didn't even turn on the light and sat down on her bed and starting praying to God to please make her good in His eyes.
All of a sudden the window was open and steps appeared walking down into the woods down by the creek. On the beach of the creek stood an old woman stirring something in a big pot over a fire.
"Come here child.and eat" said the old woman. July was handed a bowl of broth made from roots and herbs It was warm and salty with chunks of potato, carrots, and parsnip the spices warmed her belly..She was lulled to sleep in the arms of the old woman telling her stories of long ago and also of the future.
She rose from her slumber before dawn while the old woman reached out to her with another bowl of broth that had been on the fire all night.. I felt good in her stomach. July walked the path back to her bedroom window. and landed back in her own bed
This is a comment by Screen name "Ole Rocker" in the comment section under the video. It is a very good game to play while travel...
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There used to be this little girl named July who was very bad and she was sent to bed without her dinner many nights for punishment. One n...
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