
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Tesla’s 3-6-9 and Vortex Math: Is this really the key to the universe?

This is a comment by Screen name "Ole Rocker" in the comment section under the video. 

It is a very good game to play while traveling with children. Thank you Ole Rocker for contributing. 😎

"Looks like I unknowingly introduced this to myself and my wife and daughters with a little game we used to play while travelling. We would add up the numbers on license plates and see who came up with the "digital root" the quickest, even though we didn't know that was the term to use. We saw very quickly that any combination of numbers that add up to 9 could be eliminated so 572 would be 5 without going through the process of adding. Later, as 3 or 4 number plates lost its challenge, we included letters. The letters "I" and "R" could automatically be eliminated since they corresponded to the number 9 and 18 respectively. This expanded the challenge because you had to figure out the numbers corresponding to the letters. As you played the game this became more intuitive when you could eliminate combinations of letters that added up to 9 for elimination. Example GSP562 would be 1. One of my daughters got so good at it that within seconds she could get the digital root of signs with just letters such as names of towns or short sentences" - "Ole Rocker"