
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Grandma Has Strange Bedfellows

Grandma lives in a small house way out in the country. She often goes on trips to the big city to see her grandchildren. When she gets home all the animals that live in her house and yard are excited to see her.

The crows fly to meet her at the top of the hill and greet her and then turn there wings to go tell the rest of the neighborhood that grandma is home. Cawing out, "Caw caw grandma's back caw caw".The crows and grandma have been friends  for many years and they like to live near her because they just love corn muffins. They watch for grandma's car and will follow her to the store and other places one time they followed her all the way to her grandchildren's house. They often follow her when she goes to work at a restaurant because it affords large benefit in the world of crows to go somewhere that has constant stream of food.
By the time she drives  down then up then down the hill to her drive way the dogs are standing out in the driveway dancing and yipping and hoping that grandma has brought them some kind of treat from the big city.

Then when grandma pulls in the drive she takes  her luggage out of the back seat and walks up to the house. The dogs Bubba and Carmel Jo are are wiggly and crying and bumping up against her because they are so glad to see grandma.

Her little wren friends tweet sweetly as grandma walks down the drive to her steps. Grandma calls out to them saying well hello wren family as they come closer to complain that she has been gone too long. Grandma tell them she has been off to see her grandchildren and had a wonderful time and that they  should be glad grandma got to get away for a while.

The dogs start barking at the wrens to get out of grandma's way so she can get into the house and start fixing something to eat.  The crows sitting up in the tallest tree in the yard caw out agreeing with the dogs. Cawing out "let her get inside" cawwww. 

Grandma finally gets her bag up to the steps and walks across the deck to her front door and enters the front room pulling her suit case on wheels through the house down the hall to her bedroom..She throws her bag up on a chair and pulls out the clothes, shoes and, her lotions and potions to put them away and put her suit case away into the corner of her closet. while Bubba is howling at her telling her to hurry up and fix something to eat. He pushes her with his nose toward the door to her room. Finally grandma says," Oh all right I am ready to go to the kitchen".

Animals tend to love the ones who feed them which is why they all love grandma and miss her when she's gone. 

Grandma gets together all the ingredient that she uses to make everybody something to eat. She has a special recipe for all the different animals. But she has to feed the dogs first so they wil stop jumping at her and crying. Bubba is pretty strict towards grandma when it comes to eating he make s grandma follow a rigid protocol of putting some news paper down on the table and setting his dish on top then pour out some crunchies, chop some cabbage and chicken and put it in his dish, and pour some home made chicken broth and a table spoon of olive oil on top of everything then put it on the floor so he can eat. Then grandma picks up the news paper and puts in in the burn pile outside. Grandma has a fire outside about once a month to burn off yard clippings and paper from old mail, boxes, wrappers ect...

After getting Bubba and Carmel Jo fed grandma pulls out some sesame seed bread that she had stored in the freezer and chops it up for the wrens and some seeds and nuts for the squirrels and some leftover corn muffins for the crows.


Then, grandma fixed dinner for her and grand pa and they chatted happily about the grandchildren and how cute and smart they are. Grandma smiles to her self when she thinks about how like her they are and what a revenge they are for the rest of the world.. Grandma then gets up and washes the dishes and cleans up the kitchen and the rest of the house.. She and grandpa then sit down for their evening chat with their coffee and pound cake they watch a couple of videos together and draw the evening to a close. Grandma tucks grandpa into his bed and kisses him goodnight. 

Then she steps down the hall and goes to her bedroom and changes into her pajamas brushes her teeth and hair and goes to her bed and hops in. She is still just smiling and thinking about her wonderful visit with her grand babies as she bowed her head and folded her hands to give thanks to God for the wonderful blessings of her grand children. 

Then she starts drifting off to sleep with pleasant a dreamscape opening up in her mind when all of a sudden she feels a painful pinch of some kind on her back. Grandma jumps up yelling out in pain saying: "OUCH OOOUCH"!! She moves her covers around and sees a big old yellow jacket wasp running around on her sheets. She went over to her chest of drawers and removed a tee shirt  and went back over to her bed and threw the shirt on top of the menacing insect she then carefully circled the shirt around him and walked towards the back door grumbling to the menacing creature that she does not want this kind of strange bedfellow in her bed as she flips the shirt back and forth outside the door telling him he better not come back no more. You know what he never did get back in her bed again and a few days later he actually came and apologized to grandma for biting her but that he missed her so bad that he laid in her bed so he could feel close to her and unfortunately she rolled on one of his wings so he just bite her to make her move off of him. Grand ma then said well don't get back in my bed again go back to your hive. Grandma still has a scar from that night.



Peanuts Gang Singing "Freebird" by: Lynyrd Skynyrd

Monday, October 26, 2020

This Happened to Me Onetime Ago

I had to start eating a few animal products so the bunnies would stop following me around so they could chew on my feet when I wasn't looking.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Bad Pooper

Once there was a 3 year old little boy who loved playing with his little cars and building stuff out of sticks and stones laying on the ground. He just loved being outside feeling the sun and the wind caressing his body mad him feel warm and free.

EWWW one day  he pooped in his pants and this was a real drag for the people taking care of him cause they were going to have to clean him up. The people taking care of him thought they should take drastic measures with the little boy. They thought that rubbing his poop in his face would certainly stop the little boy from pooping in his pants, When this did not stop the little boy from pooping in his pants the punishment got worse and even more cru

 What the people taking care of the little boy did not realize is that the little boy had a bacteria living in his intestines that caused him to have diarrhea. Finally the diarrhea cleared up and the little boy stopped pooping in his pants. 

But the life time damage from the extreme acts of cruelity done to this little boy never stopped. He is a kind person except to himself . As he repeats these acts over and over in his mind.

The Unknown Shammon

There used to be this little girl named July who was very bad and she was sent to bed without her dinner many nights for punishment.

One night night as she was being sent to her room she was thinking about how hungry she was and how she wished she would stop being bad so that her mother would stop sending her to her room at dinner time. Shen entered her room and didn't even turn on the light and sat down on her bed and starting praying to God to please make her good in His eyes. 

All of a sudden the window was open and steps appeared walking down into the woods down by the creek. On the beach of the creek stood an old woman stirring  something in a big pot over a fire. 

"Come here child.and eat" said the old woman. July was handed a bowl of broth made from roots and herbs  It was warm and salty with chunks of potato, carrots, and parsnip the spices warmed her belly..She was lulled to sleep in the arms of the old woman telling her stories of long ago and also of the future.

She rose from her slumber before dawn while the old woman reached out to her with another bowl of broth that had been on the fire all night.. I felt good in her stomach. July walked the path back to her bedroom window. and landed back in her own bed

Unknown Shaman

Dancing Plants

I like the way they don't try to make the plants look like people,