Saturday, October 1, 2022

Personal Life

 During the early 1970's I was working with some astrologers and geologist to try and understand the changes to the earth and society that are going on during this time. We did progressed charts up until 2050 all of us began to sense that we might not survive until 2030. I tell you we all wanted to just forget what we saw and live our life as if there would be no tomorrow.

 Most of the people that I worked with on this are now dead . I was the youngest of all the people studying this by at least a decade. I stopped watching tv and started buying more books. I did decide that I wanted to take very good care of my body so that I would have a better chance of surviving to this time that we are in now.. My studies focus around the healing arts of times before Rockefeller medicine. I still study this today. 

The conflict that I have experienced inside myself in regards to my faith in God and what I see happening today has driven me to live a life  away from the city.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Newt's World Episode 421: The Rise of Mammals

When I was a child we were taught that dinosaurs were cold blooded and had skin like an alligator. Now scientist have learned that many of them had feathers like birdsWe can learn something new everyday. I hope that this talk will help yo learn something today that you did not know.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Tesla’s 3-6-9 and Vortex Math: Is this really the key to the universe?

This is a comment by Screen name "Ole Rocker" in the comment section under the video. 

It is a very good game to play while traveling with children. Thank you Ole Rocker for contributing. 😎

"Looks like I unknowingly introduced this to myself and my wife and daughters with a little game we used to play while travelling. We would add up the numbers on license plates and see who came up with the "digital root" the quickest, even though we didn't know that was the term to use. We saw very quickly that any combination of numbers that add up to 9 could be eliminated so 572 would be 5 without going through the process of adding. Later, as 3 or 4 number plates lost its challenge, we included letters. The letters "I" and "R" could automatically be eliminated since they corresponded to the number 9 and 18 respectively. This expanded the challenge because you had to figure out the numbers corresponding to the letters. As you played the game this became more intuitive when you could eliminate combinations of letters that added up to 9 for elimination. Example GSP562 would be 1. One of my daughters got so good at it that within seconds she could get the digital root of signs with just letters such as names of towns or short sentences" - "Ole Rocker"

Friday, November 26, 2021

33 Incredibly Wise Quotes from King Solomon | Quotes, aphorisms, wise th...

King Soloman who was blessed by God is considered to be the wisest and wealthiest among kings. I hope you all can all grow from learning his wisdom. We can all gain from is teachings.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

Automated Upper Body Workout (Energetically Programmed)

People ask me all the time how do I stay in shape. It is difficult for most folks to believe that this is my way of working out.

Sapien Medicine has a whole series of workouts for each of the major muscle groups. I have been studying the effects of sound and light frequency for many years. I started studying music theory at 8 years old because I wanted to understand what sound is.

The first thing God did was speak. Sound was the mechanism that created all that we are and experience. Out of sound came light.

I eat a lot of raw foods. I stay away from refined carbs as much as possible. I used to not eat meat. However for the past several years I have been eating meat a few times a month. I find this to be quite unusual for me because most of my life I have been vegetarian. I have always eaten eggs I don't like Milk I eat some cheeses. I have the habit is that I smoke. I don't know why I can't give it up. But I have calculated what cigarettes take from the body and I do work to minimize the harm that they supposivly cause. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Benjamin Franklin and the Self-Made Man: Making America

Ben Franklin  is the founder of the USAthat I have been the most interested in. Because of his humor, self education, creativity and invention. I also love reading the Poor Richard's Almanac "   Which is one of his most well known publications.