
Saturday, October 1, 2022

Personal Life

 During the early 1970's I was working with some astrologers and geologist to try and understand the changes to the earth and society that are going on during this time. We did progressed charts up until 2050 all of us began to sense that we might not survive until 2030. I tell you we all wanted to just forget what we saw and live our life as if there would be no tomorrow.

 Most of the people that I worked with on this are now dead . I was the youngest of all the people studying this by at least a decade. I stopped watching tv and started buying more books. I did decide that I wanted to take very good care of my body so that I would have a better chance of surviving to this time that we are in now.. My studies focus around the healing arts of times before Rockefeller medicine. I still study this today. 

The conflict that I have experienced inside myself in regards to my faith in God and what I see happening today has driven me to live a life  away from the city.

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