
Monday, October 3, 2022

Me and My Brother

When I was a child with my brother who was also a child was casting a fishing line with a metal sinker and hook on the end of the line over an electric line while standing at the edge of our car port during a storm. I kept telling him to stop because I was afraid he was going to get hurt. and he wouldn't stop. Something came over me and I went to the edge of the car port and screamed " lightening come" as soon as I did that a bolt of lightening flashed and glanced off of the the electric line and my brother flew back against the brick wall of the house. My mother came out of the house and ran over to pick him up and he told my mother that I made the lightening strike him. I was so upset and was crying while asking God to please make my brother be okay and to forgive me while promising to never do that again.. It was a very important lesson for me that showed me the power of words and to not summon the elements on my brother.

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