
Monday, October 3, 2022

My Spirit Guide,


The Holy Spirit is my guide. Angels have saved me countless millions of times. I have been very fortunate my whole life. I am not monetarily rich or famous. I am rich with joy and the awesome presence of God.
I have resisted being psychic because there is so much evil all around. I think my only true desire is to be acceptable in God's eyes.
As a child I would agonize over not being like everyone else. People liked me better when I made an effort to be like everyone else. I came to realize that I did not like me when I made effort to be like everyone else. I could not un-see what I saw. I could see suffering in my fellow human and asked God if I could be allowed to help them. It took me a long time to realize just how brain washed the masses are. Out of a 1000 people there may only be one who's eyes are open and that there is a 50-50 chance that they could be under the influence of evil and are looking for ways to take advantage of others. 
I have met many strange beings some of them appear to be human and do a pretty good job of living a human type life.
My loves stay pure do not accept the mark of the beast. Stay with God stay whole and free and let the Holy Spirit be your comforter and your guide they will never take you to a place pf evil or ask you to do something evil.

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